Steps To Accept Your Offer
You will find a link to your Admission Acceptance Form in the Admitted Student Checklist in your applicant portal. Submit the Admission Acceptance Form and any applicable payments to secure your place.
Please Note: It may take 1-2 business days for your Admission Acceptance Form and any advance payments to process. As long as you submit by 11:59 p.m. EDT on the reply deadline noted in your admission notification, you have secured your place.
Complete your Admission Acceptance FormPlease make your advance tuition payment and advance housing payment together, utilizing the payment options available on the Admission Acceptance Form. A record of your payments will be kept to show you have paid part of your first semester.
The housing payment reserves a room for you and can be returned if you request a refund before June 1 (fall applicants) or Jan. 1 (spring applicants). Once your payment is processed, you will receive an email from the Syracuse Housing Office to your email account confirming your access to the online Housing and Meal Plan application.
This advance tuition payment is not required of admitted students who are dependents of Syracuse employees. Higher Education Opportunity Program students admitted to Syracuse do not have to pay the advance tuition or advance housing payment.
Transfer Students:
If housing is unavailable when you apply, your advance payment will be refunded to you.
International Students:
If you cannot get funds for these payments because currency is restricted in your country, you must still send all the forms. Please send a letter explaining why your payment is delayed. If you are being sponsored by a scholarship agency or by government funds, you should also send a copy of your letter of sponsorship and instructions on how bills are to be paid.
If you're interested in setting up a monthly payment plan, download the Monthly Payment Plan form. Fill out the form and mail or email to the Bursar at:
Bursar Operations
102 Archbold North
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1140
Fax to: 315.443.3630
Email to:
The transcript must be sent to us directly by your high school and must indicate proof of graduation. Transcripts can be submitted via an electronic portal, sent to or mailed to:
Enrollment Processing
400 Ostrom Ave
Syracuse, NY 13244
Transfer Students:
If you have earned fewer than 60 credits of college-level academic coursework, federal guidelines require us to have proof of high school graduation on file.
International Students:
Please submit official proof of secondary school completion. This could be a final secondary school transcript or a Leaving Certificate sent directly by your school.
The transcript(s) that lists your final collegiate grades should be sent to the recorder in the Syracuse college to which you’ve been admitted.
Once you’ve submitted your Admission Acceptance Form and advance payments, please visit the International New Students page for more information on preparing for your arrival and SEVIS record transferring procedures.
Contact Us
Call us at 315.443.3611 or contact your admissions representative for specific questions about your academic program.
Get in touch